This is very simple and animated turtle graphics program. There are two step in the process. 1st step, it record turtle moving in setup(). 2nd step, it playback turtle moving for animation in draw(). This program needs p5.js and library.
var turtles_path = []; // array of Turtle objects var pathPointer = 0; var turtle; var turtleSprite; var tPlane; // graphic plane for pen layer setup = function() { var canvas = createCanvas(480, 360); canvas.parent("p5Canvas"); background(200); turtleSprite = createSprite(0, 0, 56, 64); turtleSprite.addAnimation("moving", "images/turtle_1.png", "images/turtle_4.png"); turtleSprite.changeAnimation("moving"); tPlane = createGraphics(width, height); // pen layer // Start turtle code - recode turtle moving. -------------------------------------
// End of turtle code ------------------------------------------------------------ }; draw = function() { // Playback turtle moving for animation. background(200); turtle.draw(pathPointer); image(tPlane); drawSprites(); pathPointer += 1; if (pathPointer >= turtles_path.length) { pathPointer = 0; clear(); } }; /** utility */ function clear() { background(200); tPlane.fill(200); tPlane.noStroke(); tPlane.rect(0, 0, width, height); } /** Turtle Data */ function TBody() { this.x = 200; this.y = 60; this.step = 3; this.stepAngle = Math.PI / 36; this.angleInRadians = 0; this.penDown = false; this.penColor = "#000000"; this.lineWidth = 2; }; /** Turtle class */ function Turtle() { var body = new TBody(); for (var prop in body) { this[prop] = body[prop]; } this.color = { black : "#000000", gray: "#808080", lightgray: "#C0C0C0", red: "#ff0000", green: "#00ff00", blue: "#0000ff", yellow: "#ffff00", magenta: "#ff00ff", aqua: "#00ffff", white: "#ffffff" }; this.forward = function(length) { var x0 = this.x; var y0 = this.y; var xx = sin(this.angleInRadians); var yy = cos(this.angleInRadians); var count = abs(int(length / this.step)); var dir = 1; if(length < 0) {dir = -1}; for(var i=0; i < count - 1; i++) { this.x += dir * this.step * xx; this.y += dir * this.step * yy; this.copy(); } this.x = x0 + length * xx; this.y = y0 + length * yy; this.copy(); }; this.back = function(length) { this.forward(-length); }; this.left = function(angleInDegrees) { var angle0 = this.angleInRadians; var targetAngle = angleInDegrees * Math.PI / 180.0; var count = abs(int(targetAngle / this.stepAngle)); var dir = 1; if(targetAngle < 0) {dir = -1}; for(var i=0; i < count - 1; i++) { this.angleInRadians += dir * this.stepAngle; this.copy(); } this.angleInRadians = angle0 + targetAngle; this.copy(); }; this.right = function(angleInDegrees) { this.left(-angleInDegrees); }; // copy TBody object this.copy = function() { turtles_path.push(new TBody()); var target = turtles_path[turtles_path.length - 1]; for (var prop in this) { target[prop] = this[prop]; } }; // drawing turtle in loop this.draw = function(pointer) { var target = turtles_path[pointer]; // draw path by Pen if (target.penDown) { tPlane.strokeWeight(target.lineWidth); tPlane.stroke(target.penColor); var nextPointer = pointer + 1; if(nextPointer >= turtles_path.length) { nextPointer = 0; } tPlane.line(target.x, target.y, turtles_path[nextPointer].x, turtles_path[nextPointer].y); } // draw turtle image by sprite turtleSprite.rotation = target.angleInRadians * -180 / Math.PI + 180; turtleSprite.position.x = target.x; turtleSprite.position.y = target.y; }; };
Download and Unzip this.
make html in the downloads and put this element in html
<div id = "p5Canvas"></div>
put this library in html
<script src="js/p5.min.js"></script> <script src="js/p5.play_patch119.js"></script> <script src="p5.turtle.js"></script>
Edit your own turtle code in p5.turtle.js
// Start turtle code - recode turtle moving. ------------------------------------- turtle = new Turtle(); turtle.x = 140; turtle.y = 80; turtle.penDown = true; turtle.penColor =; for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){ turtle.forward(200); turtle.left(90); }; turtle.right(360); turtle.right(360); // End of turtle code ------------------------------------------------------------