var turtles_path = []; // array of Turtle objects var pathPointer = 0; var turtle; var turtleSprite; var tPlane; // graphic plane for pen layer p.setup = function() { p.createCanvas(480, 360); p.background(200); // p.fill(200); // pen layer tPlane = p.createGraphics(480, 360, 0, 0); //tPlane = p.createImage(480, 360, 0, 0); //tPlane = this turtleSprite = p.createSprite(0, 0, 56, 64); turtleSprite.addAnimation("moving", "turtle_1.png", "turtle_4.png"); turtleSprite.changeAnimation("moving"); /* Start turtle code - recording turtle move. ------------------------------------ */
/* End of turtle code ----------------------------------------------------------- */ }; p.draw = function() { // Playback turtle moving for animation. p.background(200); turtle.draw2(pathPointer); p.image(tPlane); //turtleSprite.position.x = p.mouseX; //turtleSprite.position.y = p.mouseY; p.drawSprites(); pathPointer += 1; if (pathPointer >= turtles_path.length) { pathPointer = 0; // p.fill(200); // p.noStroke(); // p.rect(0, 0, p.width, p.height); tPlane.fill(200); tPlane.noStroke(); tPlane.rect(0, 0, p.width, p.height); } }; /** Turtle Data */ p.TBody = function() { this.x = 200; this.y = 60; this.step = 10; this.stepAngle = Math.PI / 10; this.angleInRadians = 0; this.penDown = false; this.penColor = "#000000"; this.lineWidth = 2; }; /** Turtle class */ p.Turtle = function() { var body = new p.TBody(); for (var prop in body) { this[prop] = body[prop]; }; this.color = { black : "#000000", gray: "#808080", lightgray: "#C0C0C0", red: "#ff0000", green: "#00ff00", blue: "#0000ff", yellow: "#ffff00", magenta: "#ff00ff", aqua: "#00ffff", white: "#ffffff" }; this.forward = function(length) { var x0 = this.x; var y0 = this.y; var xx = Math.sin(this.angleInRadians); var yy = Math.cos(this.angleInRadians); var count = p.abs(p.int(length / this.step)); var dir = 1; if(length < 0) {dir = -1}; for(var i=0; i < count - 1; i++) { this.x += dir * this.step * xx; this.y += dir * this.step * yy; this.copy(); } this.x = x0 + length * xx; this.y = y0 + length * yy; /* if (this.penDown) { p.stroke(this.penColor); p.strokeWeight(this.lineWidth); p.line(this.x, this.y, x0, y0); } */ this.copy(); }; this.back = function(length) { this.forward(-length); }; this.left = function(angleInDegrees) { var angle0 = this.angleInRadians; var targetAngle = angleInDegrees * Math.PI / 180.0; var count = p.abs(p.int(targetAngle / this.stepAngle)); var dir = 1; if(targetAngle < 0) {dir = -1}; for(var i=0; i < count - 1; i++) { this.angleInRadians += dir * this.stepAngle; this.copy(); } this.angleInRadians = angle0 + targetAngle; if(targetAngle >= Math.PI) { targetAngle -= Math.PI; } this.copy(); }; this.right = function(angleInDegrees) { this.left(-angleInDegrees); }; // copy TBody object this.copy = function() { turtles_path.push(new p.TBody()); var target = turtles_path[turtles_path.length - 1]; for (var prop in this) { target[prop] = this[prop]; } }; // drawing turtle in loop this.draw2 = function(pointer) { var target = turtles_path[pointer]; // draw path by Pen if (target.penDown) { //p.strokeWeight(target.lineWidth); //p.stroke(target.penColor); tPlane.strokeWeight(target.lineWidth); tPlane.stroke(target.penColor); var nextPointer = pointer + 1; if(nextPointer >= turtles_path.length) { nextPointer = 0; } //p.line(target.x, target.y, turtles_path[nextPointer].x, turtles_path[nextPointer].y); tPlane.line(target.x, target.y, turtles_path[nextPointer].x, turtles_path[nextPointer].y); } // draw turtle by sprite turtleSprite.rotation = target.angleInRadians / Math.PI * (-180) + 180; turtleSprite.position.x = target.x; turtleSprite.position.y = target.y; }; };